Simplicity and plans
If you read the Composition article, you may have noticed that complicated images, containing many unorganized elements, confuse our eyes and brains! They do not deliver the message in a direct way as the simple images do!
Simplicity is not only minimalism. It can be even that. But simplicity is much more the order in image, the use of needed elements, placed at logical places to let the viewer recognise the main subject and to deliver him or her the message from photographer!
For instance, if you want to present a pair of beautiful eyes, you certainly will not capture the image of your model put in the distance, in the middle of the very crowded scene!
When doing portraits, you will definitely focus on the model's face and eyes, placing it correct way into the image, and leaving some visible background, possibly contrasted to model's face, skin or eyes colors.
Plans start with foreground, nearest object to the camera and can extend very deep, up to most distant plan, called background! To keep your image simple enough, you may chose to reduce the number of plans, sometimes only to foreground, where you'll place the main motive or model and background that will be visually different enough from foreground to let the motive grab the attention at once!
You may go for bokeh, a very blured background, which is in contrast with sharp and precise foreground.
If you handle the scene with more layers, plans or elements, you have to be careful to chose the correct shooting angle and light to accent the motive and separate it from background!
Shall you capture images of a flower, let it be the only motive in the scene. Remove anything unimportant while composing the image and not later using digital post processing, cropping, vigneting...
These were only a few from vast number of possible examples. We hope it shall be enough help for the 1st day contest task!
Keep your images clean of unnecessary objects and elements. Compose with care and explore different shooting angles! It will help you to reduce the number of elements in picture to the needed minimum and at the same time, these elements will be stronger in carrying your message to viewers!
Remember that noticing something beautiful in front of your camera does not automatically mean the beautiful picture. It takes photographer to produce it, not the camera itself!