Contest Hunt The Minimalism
Hunting the Minimalism was everything but minimal!! Numerous participants have joined, posting really exciting photographs! The quantity and the quality was way beyond our expectation, regarding the complexity of minimalistic photography!
It's like crossing the border into another, unknown dimension! And our Lighthunters were the Right Team for the job! Yes, they are TopLighthunters!!! :)
So, selection between so many fine photographs was the very heavy task! Awarding some works, letting some other exciting images out of award range, the finest details were deciding factors. So, we may declare All Participants to be a Winners! However, we reviewed pacefully multiple times all the images and selected the 13 awarded ones, plus one most popular by your likes!
And Most Liked Image Award winner is Josip Ledinšćak, with an very interesting work on the edge of minimalism.
Željko Car and Igor Čavlek share the Technical Excellence Award.
Darko Geres won the Best Motive Award.
Martina Šiljeg won the Art Photography Award
Branka Daniela Hrženjak won the Best Atmosphere Award.
Krešimir Kiš won the Applied Minimalism Award!
Denis Boban and Ivan Kosić share the Best Story Award.
Lighthunters Award Winners are: Dennis Czund, Diana Cukar, Gabi Tkalec, Mirela Korolija and Siniša Almaši!
We congratulate all participants for excellent and exciting photographs and winners for their achievement!
Please take time to review the presentation and enjoy some very fine images! There are many images that you will not forget any time soon!!!
Return to HTL on Facebook for next daily showdown: "Hunt The Forest"!! Top Lighthunters challenge you to present your best forest images and chase the win! Don't wait! Join now!