Contest Hunt The Camera
Cameras! Small and big, old and new, analog and digital, compact and huge... cameras... cameras... cameras...
Thank to our Lighthunters, CameraHunters, FriendHunters and ArtHunters we quite respective camera images and stories!!! All of them valuable, all of them worth being winner of a kind!!
Again we had a hard task of selecting! And we did, the best we could!
The Likers helped us to determine Most Liked Camera image Award, and it is: Mirjana's Čuturić Bočina image of famous Dubrovnik photographer shooting the donkey close up image! Congrats, Mirjana! :)
Absolute Technical Excellence Award goes to Roman Romanski, for his presentation of old 6x6 camera in hands of young lady photographer. Congrats, Roman!! :)
Art Photography Camera Award goes to Vanja Vukadinović for her story about her friend with old grandpa's camera, for transposing times! Congrats, Vanja!! :)
Creativity Award goes to Krešimir Kiš, professional photographer from Pula, Croatia and his image "My 1st Click"! Congrats, Krešo! :)
Old Photo Award goes to Krešo Kufrin for his first childhood camera days! Congrats, Krešo! :)
Best Processed Camera Image Award goes to Wolf Kopčić for his selfportrait! Congrats, Wolf! :)
Best B&W Camera Photo Award goes to Goran Antić's selfportrait! Congrats, Gogi! :)
Best Camera Motive Award winner is Toni Miletić for the portrait of an ancient camera! Congrats, Tony! :)
Most Sympathetic Camera Motive Award winner is Ružica Posavec for image of her daughter Tamara and her "camera bug"! Congrats, Ružica! :)
And finally, We The Admins got an Award from Helena "Svila" Baričević for making these daily contests simple, entertaining and positive! Thanks, Svila!! :)
Enjoy contest presentation! Tell your friends about our FB photo contests! Join, return, have fun and win your award or badge! :)